Experience Points

Throne of Bhaal
Here are some of the changes implemented with the installation of Throne of Bhaal.
This page is complete and probably will not be updated anymore.

New Class: Wild Mage
Changed Spells
Class Bonuses
Special High Level Class Abilities
New Spells
New Spells: Mage
New Spells: Priest


Experience Points
The experience points limit is changed to 8 000 000. This means each class maxes out as follows:

Fighter: 40th Ranger: 34th Cleric: 40th Thief: 40th Sorcerer: 31st Barbarian: 40th
Paladin: 34th Mage: 31st Druid: 31st Bard: 40th Monk: 40th  


Changed Spells
Mirror Image
This spell works the same way as usual except the images are grouped around the caster instead of on a line.

Aganazzar's Scorcher
This spell works as usual except if any enemies walk between the caster and the person the spell in on (Basically where the jet of fire is) they will be damaged as well.


Class Bonuses
Some classes and kits get certain other abilities as they level up.

At 15th level: Immunity to Poison
At 18th level: Gain 10% resistance to Cold, Fire, Electrical and Acid damage
At 21st level: Gain an additional 10% resistance to Cold, Fire, Electrical and Acid damage
At 24th level: Gain an additional 10% resistance to Cold, Fire, Electrical and Acid damage

At 25th level: Gain a special holy Symbol from his/her god which can be worn as a ring. It gives +1 to Strength, +5% Magic Resistance and allows the Cleric to be able to memorize an additional 6th and 7th level spell. This is the same for all types of Clerics. The only difference would be which god gives the Cleric the ring (Lathander for good, Helm for neutral and Talos for evil.

The Monk's Magic Resistance stops at 78%
At 21st level: +1 to AC
At 24th level: Extra +1 to AC
At 25th level: Fist are considered +4 weapons
At 27th level: Extra +1 to AC
At 30th level: Extra +1 to AC
At 35th level: Extra +1 to AC
At 40th level: Extra +1 to AC

At 18th level: To hit and damage bonuses slow to a rate of -1 every 5 levels

At 12th level: All Mage spells are memorized as Priest Spells and are chosen from the Priest Spells page.

Wizard Slayer:
At 20th level: Gains 5% Magic Resistance every second level and 1% Magic Resistance every odd level.


New Class: Wild Mage
This class is much like a Mage except for a few things. They have to roll (From 1-100) to get the spell correct. A roll of 100 gets the spell casted right. Any other roll will cause other (Sometimes non desirable things) to happen. For example a roll of 88 will cause a cow to fall on the caster. Usually higher rolls are better than lower rolls. The entire roll table is available with the guide which comes with the game (And I'm lazy so I don't feel like typing the entire table). They also have three spells available to them which no other class can cast. These are Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield. These spells add 15 and 25 respectively to the spell roll of the Wild Mage. Wild Mages can also cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer which basically causes any random spell to come out.


Special High Level Class Abilities
Each class will receive special abilities as they level up from around level 18 depending on the class.

Classes: Thief, Bard
With cleverness innate to the class, an experienced rogue has seen enough potions in his or her adventuring career to simulate the creation of one. With the Alchemy skill, the rogue can create one of eight types of potions, once per day. The potions a rogue can create are randomly chosen from the following list: Potion of Master Thievery, Potion of Perception, Potion of Extra Healing, Potion of Superior Healing, Potion of Regeneration, Antidote, Oil of Speed, Potion of Frost Giant Strength (Only useable by Thieves or Bards).

Classes: Thief
Using every clever trick an experienced thief has learned in countless battles, this ability allows every strike in the next round to act as a backstab, using the thief's existing backstab modifier to determine damage.

Avoid Death
Classes: Thief, Bard
With a superhuman effort, a high level rogue can avoid almost certain death. The effect lasts for five rounds and during this time the rogue gains a +5 bonus to save vs death, his/her hit points are increased by 20 and the rogue becomes immune to death magic for the duration of the ability.

Critical Strike
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Power Attack, Can only choose this once
A high level warrior's intimate knowledge of vital spots on opponents allows him to, once per day, concentrate all of the attacks n one round to strike a vital area every time. With this ability, every attack roll made in the next round is a natural 20, a critical hit.

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
The Deathblow ability allows the warrior to blow through the defense of any lesser creature. For the next 2 rounds, any creature of 8th level or lower is instantly killed when struck by the warrior.

Enhanced Bard Song
Classes: Bard
This a powerful aid to both the bard and his allies. The song gives the bard himself/herself a 10 point bonus to AC and 10% magic resistance bonus due to the power of the song. The song also gives his/her allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, +4 to AC, immunity to Fear, Stun and Confusion, +5 magic resistance and immunity to normal weapons. This ability replaces the current bard song.

Classes: Thief, Bard
A rogue's natural sense of preservation becomes heightened with the use of the Evasion ability. Evasion gives a +4 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to all saving throws. The effect lasts for 3 rounds.

Greater Evasion
Classes: Thief, Bard
Requires: Evasion
A more powerful version of Evasion, this ability gives +6 to AC and +3 to all saving throws. In addition, Greater Evasion allows the rogue to move so quickly that his movement rate is increased by 2 and normal missiles have no chance of striking him/her. Greater Evasion lasts for 5 rounds.

Greater Deathblow
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Deathblow
Like Deathblow, this ability allows a warrior to vanquish lesser foes with a single blow. When struck with a Greater Deathblow, any creature of 12th level or lower is instantly killed. The ability lasts for 2 rounds.

Greater Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Whirlwind Attack
A more powerful version of the Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack gives the fighter the same bonuses without penalties. Their number of attacks per round are set to 10 for 1 round.

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Calling upon hidden reserves of strength during times of danger, a warrior can use the Hardiness ability to gain 40% resistance to all forms of physical damage. The ability lasts for 1 round for every 2 levels of the warrior.

Magic Flute
Classes: Bard
This ability creates a magic flute made of pure energy. When played, the flute can be used to cast the following spells: Resist Fear (Party) (1 charge), Globe of Invulnerability (1 charge) and Delayed Fireball Blast (3 charges). The spell-like abilities on the Flute are used the same way that a wand's powers are used. The Flute lasts for 1 day.

Power Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
A Power Attack allows the warrior to strike blows so forceful that they stun an opponent for 2 rounds if it fails its save Vs death at a -4 penalty. The ability lasts for 2 rounds.

Resist Magic
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
This ability allows the warrior to temporarily tap a great inner strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds the warrior's magic resistance is set to 50%. This is not cumulative with other forms of magic resistance so if the warrior already has 50% magic resistance or greater, the ability is useless.

Scribe Scrolls
Classes: Bard, Thief
This ability allows a rogue to create low and mid-level spell scrolls. The scrolls that the rogue can create are randomly chosen from the following list: Magic Missile, Haste, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Dire Charm, Invisibility, Cone of Cold, Monster Summoning II, Monster Summoning III.

Set Exploding Trap
Classes: Bard, Thief
This ability allows the rogue to set a powerful trap that unleashes a fireball which causes 10d6 damage (Save Vs spell for half damage) and will knock its victims off their feet.

Set Spike Trap
Classes: Bard, Thief
This ability allows the rogue to set a powerful spring-loaded spike trap that does 20d6 damage to the unsuspecting creature that sets it off.

Set Time Trap
Classes: Bard, Thief
This ability allows the rogue to set a magical trap that causes a weaker version of the high-level Time Stop spell. For 10 seconds, the flow of time stops for all but the rogue. Often, a rogue will use this trap to get behind an opponent for a free attack.

Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
Requires: Power Attack, Critical Strike
With the Smite Ability, the warrior gains the ability to strike a mighty blow, knocking an opponent back for a considerable distance and stunning the opponent for 1 round. All attacks made in the first round are critical hits. The ability lasts for 2 rounds. Larger creatures such as dragons or giants will not be knocked back or stunned.

Classes: Ranger
With an intimate knowledge of his surroundings and the creatures that live within them, a Ranger can use the Tracking ability to give himself a general idea of what creatures are in an area and which direction they are. Red arrows at the edge of the screen will point in the general direction of the creatures in the area. (Note: This ability can be used as much as you want)

Use Any Item
Classes: Bard, Thief
Rogues take pride in their ability to adapt and make clever use of whatever is at hand. This ability is an extension of that basic skill. Once learned, the effect is permanent. The ability allows the rogue to use any item, even items that are typically restricted to one class. This allows the rogue to use everything from wands and scrolls to mighty weapons that none but a fighter could otherwise use.

War Cry
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk
With War Cry, the warrior emits a powerful and frightening yell that will leave all opponents in a 30' radius stunned with fear if they don't make their save vs. spell.

Whirlwind Attack
Classes: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Swashbuckler
This ability allows the warrior to unleash a flurry of super-fast blows. The ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 but one's THAC0 and damage suffer a -4 penalty. The whirlwind attack lasts for one round.


New Spells
These spells will be found on the level 9 page of Mage Books and the level 7 page of Cleric/Druid Screens, not under the Special Abilities Button.

Mage Spells: Level 1

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area Of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

This spell is the Wild Mage's ultimate last-resort spell. When cast, the mage releases a sudden flood of wild magical energy in the hope of seizing and shaping that energy into a desired spell effect. The attempt usually fails, but something almost always occurs in the process. Before casting the spell, the mage announces the spell effect he is trying to create. The mage must be able to cast the spell (I.E., have it in his spellbook), but need not have it memorized. After announcing the spell (Along with the target and any other conditions required by the spell), the Wild Mage casts Nahal's Reckless Dweomer. A burst of magical energy is released, which the Wild Mage tries to manipulate into the desired form. The actual effect of the spell is determined randomly.
Because the release of energy is planned by the mage, his level is added to the dice roll made when determining what sort of wild surge occurs. This means there is a better chance of a good result. If the result indicated success, the mage has shaped the magical energy into the desired effect. More often that not, the effect is completely unexpected. The result may be beneficial to the mage or it may be completely disastrous; this is the risk the mage takes in casting Nahal's Reckless Dweomer.

Mage Spells: Level 2

Chaos Shield (Abjuration)
Level: 2
Range: 0
Duration: 5 rounds + 10 rounds/5 levels
Casting Time: 2
Area Of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

Chaos Shield increases a Wild Mage's chance to gain a favorable result when a wild surge occurs. Every time a roll is made on the wild surge chart, an extra 15 is added to the dice roll. When Nahal's Reckless Dweomer is cast, the bonus from Chaos Shield stacks with the Wild Mage's level bonus.

Mage Spells: Level 7

Improved Chaos Shield
Level: 7
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 2
Area Of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

Improved Chaos Shield increases a Wild Mage's chance to gain a favorable result when a wild surge occurs. Every time a roll is made on the wild surge chart, an extra 25 is added to the dice roll. When Nahal's Reckless Dweomer is cast, the bonus from Chaos Shield stacks with the Wild Mage's level bonus.

Mage Spells: Level 8

Bigby's Clenched Fist (Evocation)
Level: 8
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: 4 Rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a giant disembodied hand to squeeze and constrict the target once per round for up to four rounds. It initially smashes the target for 3D6 damage with no save. The target is held. In the second round, the target can save vs. paralyzation at -2 to escape. If they fail to save, the hand does 4D6 damage. The following round, the target can save vs. paralyzation with no penalty. If they make the save, they are free to move, if they fail, the spell does 6D6 damage and holds them for 2 rounds. After the 4th round, the spell is finished. Magic resistance will stop the spell.

Mage Spells: Level 9

Bigby's Crushing Hand (Evocation)
Level: 9
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: 3 Rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

This spell creates a huge disembodied fist that crushes the target and pins them to the ground. In the first round, the spell does 2D10 damage. The victim can save at -4 vs. paralyzation to avoid being pinned. If they fail, the hand does 3D10 damage the next round. The victim can again save vs. paralyzation at -2. If they fail to save, the hand does a final 4D10 damage and disappears.

Wish (Conjuration/Summoning, Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 9
Range: Unlimited
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

Wish is a more potent version of the Limited Wish spell. It will fulfill literally, the utterance of the spellcaster. Thus, the actuality of the past, present, or future might be altered (but possibly only for the wizard unless the wording of the spell is most carefully stated) in some limited manner. Greedy desires usually end in disaster for the wisher. Lastly, the wiser the wizard, the better chance that he will choose the right wording. Wizards with low wisdom will more often than not meet with disaster when asking for a wish.

Mage Spells: Level 10

Comet (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: 90 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None

A more powerful and specialized version of Meteor Swarm, a huge meteor or comet strikes the earth damaging all enemies in its path and sending out a powerful shockwave that knocks away all foes in the area of effect. Those knocked down must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1D4 rounds. The comet itself does 10D10 damage.

This spell will not harm party members.

Dragon's Breath (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special

This spell causes a disembodied head of red dragon to appear and breathe fire with the strength of an adult red dragon. In addition to the enormous 20D10 fireball, the force of the dragon's breath knocks an opponent off their feet and away from the caster. The victim can save vs. breath to take half damage and not be blown backwards.

This spell will not harm party members.

Energy Blades (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: Special
Duration: 4 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

An energy blade is a discus made of pure energy. The disc gives +10 to THAC0, and when thrown does 1D4+5 missile damage as well as 1D10 additional electrical damage. This spell creates 1 energy disc per level of the caster and sets the caster's attacks to 9 as long as the discs are held.

Improved Alacrity (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: Unlimited
Duration: 2 Rounds
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

Improved Alacrity essentially erases the pause between casting spells. When cast, the mage can begin casting a new spell the instant he is finished casting his current spell. The effect lasts for 2 rounds.

Summon Dark Planetar (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell opens an abyssal gate and calls forth a fallen planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the planetar's avatar is slain.

Summon Planetar (Any School)
Level: 10
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell opens a celestial gate and calls forth a planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the planetar's avatar is slain.

Priest Spells: Quest Level

Aura of Flaming Death (Evocation, Alteration)
Level: Quest
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round/ 2 levels
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: The Caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes the caster to be enveloped by an aura of intense flame that both injures opponents and protects from damage. This shield not only grants the user 90% fire resistance and grants an AC bonus of 4, but also protects the caster from attacks made within a 5' radius around the caster. An opponent that hits the caster with any weapons or spells within this radius suffers 2D10 +2 fire damage. In addition, the intense heat protects the caster from all non-magical weapons, melee or missile.

Elemental Summoning
Level: Quest
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Drawing power from the environment, this spell summons 2 16HD elementals randomly chosen from earth, air or fire. The elementals stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned. There is a 10% chance that a randomly chosen Elemental Prince will be summoned instead. The Elemental Princes rule over other elementals in their respective planes. The Elemental Prince of Air is Chan. The Elemental Prince of Earth is Sunnis. The Elemental Prince of Fire is Zaaman Rul.

Globe of Blades (Evocation)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Guardian/ Creation
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

The priest employs this spell to set up a globe of razor-sharp blades. These whirl and flash around the caster, creating a dangerous barrier. Any creature attempting to pass through the blade barrier suffers 10D10 points of damage. Creatures within the area of the barrier when it is invoked are entitled to a saving throw vs. spell at -2. If this is successful, the blades are avoided and no damage is suffered. The barrier remains for ten rounds.

Greater Elemental Summoning
Level: Quest
Range: 10 yards
Duration: 10 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Druids, having a more powerful link to the elements, can cast a stronger version of Elemental Summoning. This spell can summon the Elemental Princes themselves, randomly chosen from earth, air or fire. The Elemental Princes stay for 10 rounds and will obey the caster as long as they remain summoned.
Requires: Elemental Summoning.

Elemental Transformation (Earth)
Level: Quest
Range: 0
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

Harnessing the power of the earth, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD earth elemental of immense strength. The elemental form has an AC of -5, a THAC0 of 2 and does 2D10 crushing damage with its attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage.

Elemental Transformation (Fire)
Level: Quest
Range: 0
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

Harnessing the power of fire, this powerful shapechange ability allows the druid to become a 24HD fire elemental of immense strength. The elemental form has an AC of -5, a THAC0 of 2 and does 1D10 normal and 1D10 fire damage with its attacks. When the druid returns to human form, he is also healed 3D10 damage.

Implosion (Evocation)
Level: Quest
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: 2 Rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

This spell creates a rift in the earth beneath the target which implodes and closes in upon itself, crushing and burning the target and holding it for 1 round. The spell does 10D10 fire damage and 10D10 blunt damage. The victim can save vs. spell for half damage.

Mass Raise Dead (Necromancy)
Level: Quest
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Sight of the caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Up to 5 party members
Saving Throw: Special

A more powerful version of Raise Dead, this spell brings up to 5 party members back to life and heals 3D10+1 per level of the caster points of damage. They can regain the rest of their hit points by natural healing or curative magic.
This spell restores life to dwarves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, elves, half-orcs and humans.

Storm of Vengeance
Level: Quest
Range: 90 Yards
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius
Saving Throw: Special

Casting this spell causes the earth to shake and the heavens to boil with blood and energy. All enemies of the caster are struck down by acidic rain, earthquakes and lightning.
All enemies of 8th level or lower are slain instantly. The survivors are struck by acidic poisonous rain and lightning. The storm lasts for 3 rounds. Each round, the victims suffer 1D6 electrical damage, 1D6 fire damage and 1D6 acid damage (Save vs. spells for half damage). They also have a chance to be poisoned (Save Vs. Death) in the first round.

Summon Deva (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: Quest
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell opens a celestial gate and calls forth an angelic deva to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the deva's earthly avatar is slain.

Summon Fallen Deva (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: Quest
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell opens an abyssal gate and calls forth an demonic deva to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the deva's earthly avatar is slain.